Parked out front.

Parked out front.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Gas Leaks and springs.

Well, I've been driving the Corvair pretty much as a daily driver for the past 2 weeks. Two reasons for that. First, the weather here has been perfect, second, the Jeep is at the shop. Unfortunately, all this driving has shown a few weak points in the car.

The Gas Leak!

I started smelling gas yesterday and the problem has just gotten worse. The leak is where the fuel return line connects back into the tank. If this were a normal setup, the return line would be connected at the tank and all would be well. Mine however is connected at the gas tank fill tube in the driver side wheel well and it has sprung a leak. Its not a huge deal, but I need to fix it before I do anymore driving with it. I may try to disconnect it all together with the change of fuel pumps and the fuel regulator on the gas line. If the pump can handle the back pressure I think it would be the best solution. I would just need to change the fuel filter and disconnect that return line.

The Springs!

So I've been going back and forth on the springs for the car. A while back I purchased some heavy duty springs that were cut shorter than stock. My intention was to lower the car a little bit. Once the springs were installed, the car was much lower than I expected and I wasn't crazy about it. I've kept them on to see if they would grow on me, but they haven't. As a matter of fact, I dislike them more than ever. The tires rub in the wheel well when I turn and It's just not what I like. I'm looking for a more stock look and not a low rider. So now I'm on the hunt for new springs that fit the Corvair Spec. We'll see how that goes.


Anonymous said...

I think we have complementary issues with springs! If you still have the cut heavy duty springs
i may be interested in taking them off your hands. email me @ if your interested.



Bob Reynolds said...

I just put four of Clarks HD springs on my 65 Corsa race car. After cutting one coil off of each spring the rear seems like a good race height but the front is sky high. I dont know if I can cut more or not.Suggestions? Thanks Bob

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