Parked out front.

Parked out front.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Corvair Fixed!!!

Well, the bodywork is done. It looks pretty darn good. I'ts not perfect, but I think I can live with it. Now I need to get it painted. I'm thinking of keeping it yellow, but I'm also thinking about the maroon color from 1965.

Changing colors would be a much bigger project. So I'm guessing it will stay yellow!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The Repairs Start!

I found a guy to do the repairs on the fender of the Corvair today. I actually knew him for some time, but did not realize he did body work. He was a former co-worker of mine but previously he customized cars in California. He has all the body work and paint tools so he's ready to go. I took the car to him today to get a look at it. He would like to try to work on the fender in place as opposed to swapping out the fender with the one I purchased. Replacing the fender would be a lot more work than fixing the current fender. I thought the old fender was beyond repair, but he doesn't think so. Either way, if he can't fix the bent one, he'll install the new one for the same price.

I need to find a bezel for the headlights right away to help him shape the fender. I already have a lead on one so I'll have it by Monday. That's the other thing, he thinks he should be able to get it done in 2 days, starting this Monday. Paint not included. As you can imagine, I'm very excited.

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