Parked out front.

Parked out front.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Next Big Project

Well, now with the fender repaired, the next big thing is replacing the steering box. The Corvair tends to drift pretty easily and is pretty loose when it comes to steering it. When I had the shocks and springs replaced, the mechanic tried to adjust the steering, but its just too old and needs to be replaced.

Luckily, Corvair Motorsports make a brand new quick steering box for all Corvairs. I need to buy the adapter to have it fit correctly on my model, but it should just drop right in! Its a several hundred dollar project including labor so I may have to wait a little while. It will probably be after the new year before I can do anything about it.

Aside from that, I have some small projects that I can do so there is no shortage of work that needs to be done.

Now if only the insurance company can speed things up with the classic car insurance, I would drive it more!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Here's the picture of the broken fender

You can see the fender is trashed! It's amazing that Joe (the body guy) got it as straight as he did! Kudos to Joe!

Front pic of the repaired front end

Well, there it is. Body work done. It looks pretty good huh. I guess I should get a picture of the smashed front end up so you can compare. Son now on the top of the list is get the front steering box replaced and having an alignment done. Then there is all the other projects I'd like to do to the car. I have to keep reminding myself, one thing at a time! It will get done!

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