Parked out front.

Parked out front.

Friday, April 15, 2005


The Corvair was involved in a hit and run accident. Everybody is okay! A car pulled out in front of me and I couldn't stop in time to avoid hitting it and then he took off! Ran away! I've never been the victim of a hit and run before. Let me tell you it sucks!

I have some major damage to the right front fender. The only thing I can think of doing is ripping it out and putting a fiberglass one from Clark's in its place. It sucks because the car was clean looking and now its all screwed up! It sucks because the job of repair it is not small. It sucks because the idiot who pulled out in front of me ran away and will probably get away with it. The police didn't even bother coming to the scene.

I only hope that I really did some substantial damage to his right rear tire. A bent axle would be great! He left quite a bit of metallic blue paint on my car. Maybe the steel Corvair tore off a good section of his rear end. I know I'm ranting here but the guy just an away! I can think of so many words to call this guy, but I'm trying to keep this clean!

The car was running great too. That's the other sucky thing about it. It actually still runs great, it just looks like hell now. I'll have pictures up soon. I'm too pissed off right now to upload the picture from the camera!

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