Parked out front.

Parked out front.

Friday, February 13, 2004

Pressure Regulator not the solution
Well, the pressure regulator is finally in and working after some initial problems. I managed to cross-thread the fuel line to the fuel filter and gas was shooting all over the place. Luckily I had another set of fittings and had the thing back together in no time. Unfortunately, the carburetor is still leaking. At 2000+ rpm, there is no leak, but at idle gas is all over the place. This is when the regulator is set at 2 pounds. Anything higher then that and the carb is leaking all the time.

Looking for the problem
So after some more discussion on Virtual Vairs, I've decided to check the float on the carb. If the float has a leak, it will fill with gas and sink to the bottom of the bowl. The bowl holds the gas just before it is pulled into the carburetor. The float is connected to a valve that allows gas into the bowl. With the float all the way at the bottom of the bowl, the valve will be open letting more and more gas in until it overflows the bowl and starts to leak all over the place. Luckily I have another float from the carb that I replaced. If you're wondering what the float looks like, look at the picture below.

And here's a picture of a carburetor with the bowl cover off showing you where the float would go.

I'll be pulling out the float from the installed carb and sticking this one in there.

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