Parked out front.

Parked out front.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

A different fuel leak
Driving the car to work the other day, everything was going great except that when I hit the gas to engage the turbo, I get the old gas smell. It only happens when the turbo is boosting so I'm guessing I have a small leak somewhere between the turbo charger and the manifold. There aren't too many places for gas to leak out there. It also must be a small leak because I still get plenty of boost. Its just difficult to diagnose because I need to be doing 70 miles per hour to get the leak to start. I'll try one or two things and see if the smell goes away.

Also an oil leak
The turbo also seems to be leaking oil from one of the connections to the oil system. I may just need some thread sealer of some type. I wonder if Teflon tape can take the kind of heat the turbo puts out. That requires a little more investigation. All in all, the car is running really well. It got me to work and back the other day with no problems.

I have some little projects I can do while I save up some money for the bigger projects.

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