Parked out front.

Parked out front.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

One thing fixed, new thing broken!

So, I finally figured out the pressure retard unit on the distributor had gone bad. The little device retards the spark advance up to 12 degrees when boosting. Without it, the car knocks like crazy! It took a good amount of time to find one. They have become pretty rare these days. I need to send my old core to Dale Manufacturing and have them rebuild it for me so I have a spare.

The good news is that the new unit works like a champ. The bad news is that when I was testing the car on the freeway, the harmonic balancer took a dump! Bad Luck! So now I need to get the car down to the mechanic and put it on the lift to replace the harmonic balancer. Hopefully after that, things will be moving along nicely.

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