Parked out front.

Parked out front.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Happy New Year!

Well, It's time to get the Corvair up and running so that I can take it out like a "daily driver" First things first, I need to get the clutch fixed. I talked to my mechanic this past Wednesday and we should be getting it in the shop in the next few weeks. Second, I need to work on the suspension. I've ordered some new springs from Corvair Motorsports. They are Heavy Duty springs that have had 1 coil removed to lower the car about an inch. Along with that I purchased new gas shocks from Clark's and a front spoiler to help with the handling on the road.

The 65 didn't have a spoiler, but all the other late models did so I think adding it will help my handling situation.

Speaking of handling, my mechanic is going to work on the alignment of the car as well as check out the steering box for too much play. I've been told that there is a new quick steering box available for the Corvair so I may be looking into that as well.

Those are the 2 major stumbling blocks at the moment, after that, there is a lot of stuff that still needs to be done, but the car will be drivable again.

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